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Искусство Шамбалы. Часть I.: Приходя в себя

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Искусство Шамбалы. Часть I.:  Coming To Your Senses

О курсе

This program is available to you whether or not you consider yourself an artist or a meditator. Учения об искусстве Шамбалы прославляют искусство, возникающее в медитативном уме.. Они напоминают нам о необходимости ценить уникальность повседневного сенсорного опыта., искусство повседневной жизни. Seeing the simplicity and brilliance of “things as they areprovides the ground for genuine creativity, which is the expression of non-aggression.

In part one of the five-part Shambhala Art curriculum, мы развиваем медитацию как основу для всех творческих начинаний. Through a sequence of experiential exercise, мы замечаем нашу способность к спонтанному творческому выражению, которое не зависит от плана или вынужденной сообразительности.. Эти проблески дают первоначальную уверенность в том, что мы можем оставаться наедине с собой и своим миром.. According to the Shambhala Art teachings, resting with ourselves and our world is the ground for the creative process.

We cover the following topics in Shambhala Art Part 1:

  • Learning the value of slowing down and establishing a practice of shamatha meditation
  • Understanding the concepts of “felt senseand “thought sense,” and how allowing felt sense to proceed thought sense allows us to have deeper and more authentic experiences
  • Научиться ценить яркость опыта и доверять своей «первой мысли»., best thought.

When does the class meet?

Курс асинхронный: you may view the recorded talks at your convenience. Рекомендуемый график — просмотр одного выступления каждую неделю и выполнение соответствующих материалов и упражнений в модуле.. Есть 6 modules. The course facilitators will interact with the course on a weekly basis to support all learners, and we strongly encourage you to respond to and engage with your fellow course participants.

О преподавателях

Стив Сайцик is a student of the Vidyadhara, Чогьям Трунгпа Ринпоче, and the Kongma Sakyong II, Mipham Rinpoche; International Director of Shambhala Art; Adjunct Professor at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena (one of the leading art colleges in North America); painter with numerous showings and collections; and a world- renowned expert on artist’s materials. He attended many of the Vidyadhara’s early lectures on dharma art, attended the Vidyadhara’s Buddhist Seminaries, and has practiced and taught meditation for more than forty years. Steve has also consulted and lectured on meditation, Дхарма Искусство, Искусство Шамбалы, Vajrayana Buddhism and its iconography, Tibetan art, symbolism, as well as on the materials used to create both Asian painting and art of the western world. Following the passing of the Vidyadhara and with the Sakyong’s support and guidance, Steve helped to establish Shambhala Art.

Энн Сайтчик is an artist, serves as Director of Contemplative Arts at Shambhala Meditation Center of Los Angeles and co-founded Contemplative Creativity Lab. She received her MFA in painting from Claremont Graduate University and her BFA in illustration from Art Center College of Design. She met the Shambhala Buddhist dharma through the Dharma Art program in 1997 and is Assistant Director of the international Shambhala Art program. She has been teaching painting and drawing at Art Center College of Design Extension (ACX) since 1994 and occasionally teaches in other parts of the world.

Stuart Rice is a Shambhala Art teacher and the Director of Communication for Shambhala Art. He works closely with both Anne and Steve to bring these rich teachings to the online space. In addition to his role with Shambhala Art, Stuart is a director for digital initiatives in Arizona State University’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College.

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2024-05-21 20:40:04